Regarding SEE Trek Love

I find it very important that I post this on my blog, because it is an issue that I must get off of my chest right away. It is something that I want people who watch my videos, and people who are aware of my existence absolutely need to see.

About a month ago, I was intoruced to SEE Trek Love. As you might know, I help run the Kirk/Spock fanpage on Facebook, and someone had posted a link to it there. Basically, the site contained a petition specifically stating that whoever signed it wanted to see the characters of Kirk and Spock be a 100% canon couple in the next Star Trek movie. At first I was very keen to the idea. Knowing me, I'm a huge supporter of K/S, and for the record I will never put myself in the same category of screaming fangirls, but I liked the idea of Kirk and Spock together in the new movie. I thought it was also a great idea and a great opportunity for gays to be more widely accepted in the media, but it began mostly as me wanting my OTP canonized.

But that's when I began having my doubts. In the back of my mind I thought more and more each day that there was something wrong with this. I saw a few posts on LiveJournal, and was completely frustrated to see that my peers on the SEE website, as well as myself, were being called stupid (amongst other things), and our cause was being referred to as "SEE Trek!Fail." Not only that, but people on SEE have been called sexist and racist because of some things on the forum that have been said. (Mary Sue-hura, Uhura-bitch, etc.) There are people who were just, in general, against our cause, so naturally Lance, whom which I have talked with personally on chat/Facebook re-booted the site as well as the petition, completely leaving Kirk/Spock out of it the cause. Still, there were comments like this on LJ that sparked my attention:

"...Like people haven't been trying to get gay characters on Trek for over 20 years now"

That quote basically saying that we're part of a useless cause, and that brings me back to "why are we fighting for this?" because...well, here it goes, and keep it in mind that I am partly playing the devil's advocate here, but SEE Trek Love DID start out as the canonizing of Kirk/Spock, and it was clearly a huge mistake. Even I see that now. It may not have been our intention, but we gave off the impression of being a bunch of fangirls(&boys) using the excuse of supporting LGBT rights just to get K/S canonized. I do see why people were pissed off by this. It was, in general, a terrible idea. I especially see that now, being a person who is completely supportive of LGBT rights in this country. So problem fixed, right? Now we are fighting for LGBT rights in Star Trek, fandoms aside,...but is this something that we need to FIGHT for? It's been talked about time and time again in many places on the internet that people involved with Star Trek have been trying to bring homosexuality into Trek.

Now that we've hit (and fixed) such a flaw, where do we go from here on SEE? It might be a good idea to post something that LJ users can find easily, explaining our cause, and proving all of the insults they have said about us are WRONG. My MAIN POINT here is this: We need TO redeem ourselves, and try to put the insults behind us. It's absolutely imperative that we prove ourselves, and make it completely clear that we have changed our site and petition in light of the fact that we have realized our mistakes.

This, is a personal note. I honestly hope that in any circumstance in which I am somehow brought into a LJ discussion, this will be seen. With me being a known K/S videomaker on YouTube and also someone who supports, yes supports SEE Trek Love,it is very likely that I will be mentioned on one of the SEE-bashing entries.

Yes, I do support Kirk/Spock, and that is completely obvious. Yes, I have said my fair share of things about Uhura that I particularly didn't like, and that isn't Uhura's fault, that is the writers' fault honestly. To get that cleared up real quickly, let me just say that I didn't like the way Uhura was in nuTrek. I found that the writers could have done the character a lot more justice instead of just making her the romantic interest throughout the entire movie. With that aside, let me get to my main issue: I feel stupid for originally wanting to canonize my OTP. That was what I wanted at first. I willingly admit that. I have always been someone who has wanted rights for the gay community, and also for the African Americans. ALWAYS. I just want everyone who said horrible things about us at SEE that everyone I have come in contact with on that site feels the same way as me. It originally was not intended to be a homophobic jab at the LGBT community, or an excuse to use that as a reason to get our favorite slash couple canonized. That is the way it came off as, but it is important to know that it isn't the only reason that the petition was started. None of us meant to come off as homophobic, racist, or sexist. It's the opposite of that completely. If you haven't noticed we have a seperate forum on SEE adressing Women's Rights.

Now we are all just confused as to why the posters on LiveJournal continue to say hateful things like

"*peeks into the forum, immediately regrets it*

I looked into the stupid, and THE STUPID LOOKED BACK INTO ME.


"I don't need even more stupid in my life at the moment"

Honestly, peeking into the forum isn't going to help you understand us completely. Sorry. If you have a problem with this "failure" of a website (which we have FIXED, I might add) tell us what you think we should improve upon. Don't continue to bash and insult us without telling us why we deserve it.

This was all sparked by originalpuck's post on LiveJournal, and even when Lance messaged her she couldn't even give us clear criticism.

Comments are greatly appreciated. I would love to hear what you think of all this (if anyone actually reads this...)


dave said...

I actually read this.. :o)

I dont think I totally understand what happened but I do not like rude people.
I am not one who expects that there be a story where Kirk and Spock have a love affair, I actually see humor in it. But I DO understand that people might like to see it and would not hold it against them.
Personally, I think Spock is too logical and that Pon Farr thing can be a problem.
I also thought it was strange that they had Uhura as Spock's girlfriend but knew it could be possible since he was half human and Vulcans do marry(his father married Human).
I was disappointed by the fact that the movie did not show the original timeline but I guess they did not have time lol.

MissMercurial said...
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MissMercurial said...
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MissMercurial said...

I fail...
I had a comment explaining my only issue with SEE was its specific K/S focus, but after reading the update, I must retract my argument.

As for your discussion, haters be haters.
They all need to GDIAF anyway ^___^