UPDATES! (6/12/10)


- Harry Potter videos can now be found in the "other fandoms/tributes" link over there
- There is a new page specifically for my episode commentaries (why I didn't do that before, I have no idea!)


Anonymous said...


I'm not really video savvy, so I don't have any advice for you. Just wanted to say that I love love your videos and the awesome remix that you and your friend created. You are so talented and I appreciate that you are willing to share your talent with your web friends. Hang in there! You are appreciated!

Amanda said...

You can also upload them to "To-Boldly-Go.org". It's a new, but growing Star Trek site; we love videos, and don't have any copyright issues. We also have a huge library of ST fanfic - we used to be the J/C Ville Library, but after 7 years, we expanded to include the other series.

Anonymous said...

I have only been online for about two months,and only discovered slash in all its many wonderful forms in the last few weeks...I watched the original series each week back in the 60's and have loved it ever since, in all its many series, movies,etc....I am especially fond of all your videos, and get so much enjoyment out of them...I fully support any efforts to promote gay rights...My son is gay,and he is my pride and joy...I am so upset about all the bad feelings on the web over this issue of homosexuality in Star Trek...Good heavens,it represents all of us,no matter what our color,background,beliefs,or our sexual orientation...Love is Love,no matter what form it takes, and people who don't see that,have never loved anyone,not really...Love is blind to earthly things,it comes to each of us,if we're lucky,without any baggage like that...Love just is, and it flows through your heart and soul, and just grows there...It don't matter what you believe, or what color you are, or even what you are...All that matters is that you love, and are loved in return...My hopes and prayers are with you,my very dear little friend,and I am not the least bit ashamed to tell you that I love you and your gift of allowing the rest of us ,through your work,to be able to see the face of Love...God bless...and even though I sign this as Anonymous,here is my e-mail if you wish to contact me... gabbyjan54@hotmail.com...Love long, and prosper.

.KIRKfoiprUSpaceôdj. said...


http://ghiorzi.org/caleperp.htm said...
